About Us
Welcome to Optima Care Harborview, a nursing home located in the heart of Jersey City, NJ. We are dedicated to providing high-quality care and services to our residents in a safe, comfortable, and supportive environment. Our skilled team is committed to providing exceptional care and services to our residents.
Our Mission
At Optima Care Harborview, our mission is to enhance the health and well-being of our residents by providing compassionate and personalized care. We strive to create a nurturing and inclusive community where our residents can feel valued, respected, and empowered.
Our Values
At the core of Optima Care Harborview:
Commitment to People First:
To always be sensitive to the needs of each and every person as an individual – resident, family, and staff alike.
Commitment to Care:
To continuously aim to provide the highest quality of care.
Commitment to Community:
To be active members of the communities in which we reside.
Commitment to Dignity:
To honor each and every resident, to treat them with the respect and dignity they deserve.
Commitment to Diversity:
To value, celebrate, and learn from our differences.